Bad Kitty
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44.9 x 57.2 x 40.0 mm
by tanya_wiesner

Bad Kitty is a lovable little creature who will love you for life if you treat him right. He loves to play and loves to cuddle so don't ignore him for long or he'll show you his mischievous side.

Bad Kitty is designed after my own cat who loves attention but whose personality can turn on a dime if she feels you are not paying adequate enough attention to her. Design is 44.83mm x 40.03mm x 57.18mm. White plastic version as shown was printed out on a printrbot simple metal at a layer height of 0.2mm and no supports.

Выбери материал:
White polyamide
White polyamide
White polyamide White or colored sturdy material, has good flexibility.
Transparent photopolymer
Transparent photopolymer Perfect material for a production of miniatures and designer models.  
White polyamide White or colored sturdy material, has good flexibility.
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