raised hands 0185
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63.6 x 90.4 x 32.9 mm
by otto_sander

Print Ready 3D Model of two uplifted hands made of any materials

stl mesh
109341 points.
218678 triangles.

low poly model in maya:
1648 Polygons
1610 Vertices

Model avalible in STL format for prototyping.
geometry is healed, and fixed all the bad with RP Magics software (*.mgx file included).

Model is ready for prototyping on CNC and 3D Printing.

Выбери материал:
White polyamide
White polyamide
White polyamide White or colored sturdy material, has good flexibility.
Colored polyamide
Colored polyamide For the fans of bright and saturated color.
White polyamide White or colored sturdy material, has good flexibility.
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